Airport Meet & Greet & Chauffeur Services Booking Platform

Our full service online booking system to automate the booking process for VIP Meet and Greet Companies and Chauffeur Services

Booking system for VIP meet and greet and chauffeur services

  • Take Meet & Greet bookings online
  • Take chauffeur bookings online
  • Customised pricing models
  • Easy user journey
  • Prevents double bookings
  • Integrates with other platforms

Everything that an airport meet and greet company needs for online bookings of tiered meet and greet services and chauffeur services

Meet & Greet Booking

Graphic Interface

Graphic Interface

Users choose what type and level of service they want.

Variable Passengers


Users choose the number of adults, children and infants

With Adults and children billed the same and infants travelling for free. You can set a maximum number of travellers and require that larger parties contact you directly for scheduling.

Group Pricing


Group Pricing Options

Prices can be set in groups, allowing you to set the same price for a single traveller as a family of four and control how cost per person increases.

Prevent Over Bookings


Prevent Over Bookings

Time and date lookups cross references current bookings to check for availability.

Flexible Durations & Pricing


Flexible Booking Durations & Pricing

Booking durations can be pre-set or manually set by the user and priced accordingly.

Out of hours


Out of hours notification

If the booking is a short notice booking and is outside your office hours a popup will appear to notify customers that there is some risk. At this point you can either prohibit them from proceeding with the order, or take the order but notify them that you will be in contact first thing to confirm the booking.

Clear Instructions


Clear Instructions

You can set the start time end time instructions on a product-by-product basis making it really clear to the user what time they should be inputting. Insert clarifying instructions and tooltips into the booking process to help minimise confusion.

Passenger details


Take passenger contact details

User inputs the passenger details and these are attached to the order.

Charge for Bolt Ons


Additional Fields affect the price

User can choose additional bolt-ons such as extra baggage and these can add fees onto the booking.

Terms and conditions


Terms and conditions

Insert terms and conditions that are specific to that product. Such as informing arrival customers that a 45 minute wait period is included but that additional wait time is billed in 15 minute blocks.

Supplementary fees


Invoice customers for supplementary fees

The user can then pay you via any payment gateway compatible with WooCommerce.

Chauffeur services

Standalone product


Sell chauffeur services as a standalone product

This platform also supports chauffeur services independent of meet and greet products.

Or Include With Meet & Greet


Or Include It Within A Meet & Greet Product

Or you can add it as a bolt on within a Meet & Greet product

Restrict Locations


Restrict Meet and Greet Locations

You can restrict either end of the journey to a select list of locations.

Airport Collection Fee


Automatically Bill an Airport Collection Fee

You can add a fixed airport fee if the journey begins or ends at an airport.

Territory Specific Price Per Mile


Territory Specific Price Per Mile

You can increase price per mile if it is outside your normal territory.

Supplementary fees


Bill Supplementary fees

You can add a supplement fee for premium vehicles.

Free Mileage


Include A Set Distance For Free

You can include a specified number of miles for free in your meet and greet product. Additional miles are billed with a price per mile.

Bolt On or Standalone

As a bolt on or as a standalone service

Chauffeur services can either be included in the Meet & Greet booking or sold as a seperate service.

Restrict Territory


Restrict Bookings to Your Territory

You can restrict where users can book journeys so the journey must begin or end within your territory. If the user selects a journey outside your territory a popup appears and prompts them to contact you directly.

Sell By The Hour


Sell chauffeur services by the hour

Set a minimum and maximum booking duration. Price per block of time. Set different prices on different vehicles.

Upsell Popup


Upsell chauffeur services

If you don’t want to include chauffeur services within that product you can redirect to a chauffeur service as an upsell.

Additional Features

Ongoing Development


Need something more?

If you need a custom function, maybe we can build it into the platform. We are still improving the software and are adding new features monthly.

3rd Party Integration


3rd Party Integration

The system can be easily integrated with 3rd party systems. We have already done integrations with Xero, Zapier and Google Calendar. Allowing full or partial booking data to be shared with your team or via any CRM that you depend upon.

User accounts


User accounts

The user has their own account where they can see their previous orders, see outstanding orders and save their billing information to expedite future orders.

Bill For Supplements


Bill For Supplements

If the passenger has delayed arrival and kept your driver waiting, or if they have changed their journey plans, you can create a supplementary invoice and email it to them and they can pay via smartphone.

Optional Manual Approval


Optional Manual Approval

If needed you can make bookings require a manual confirmation process. So if your booking includes uncertainty, such as a 3rd party resource such as the Heathrow Windsor lounge, the user can make a booking request before making payment.

You can manually check availability and then approve or deny the request. If you approve the booking the user receives an email with a link to pay for their booking.


Send us a message and we’ll get in touch soon.

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