We are WordPress wizards and there is not a lot that we haven’t seen or done in it.

What is it?

WordPress is the worlds favourite CMS and remains the most cost-effective platform for the creation and extension of a website. It has a vast market for low-cost plugins that add almost every feature you can imagine your business needing. It powers a massive 27% of the entire internet (2016) and is the content management platform of choice for 60% of websites. It’s dominance is such that the next most popular CMS has only 1/10 of WordPress’s usage.

How we use WordPress

WordPress is a great tool but as with any tool, it is only as good as the craftsman who uses it. Not every WordPress developer is as experienced or as skilled as us. That is why we have the support button above.

WordPress can tempt the unwary user to take a lot of shortcuts which can result in some long term costs. It can be very tempting to use a free theme or plugin. However with every addition piece of software you install you increase the risk to the site’s security and stability, and increase the load time of the site. We don’t take shortcuts and we are very careful to vet the software we use.


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